Potential beneficiaries of the Garden Path Out-of-the-Box Curriculum include:
- Children and youths-at-risk in zones of (i) conflict, (ii) post-conflict and (iii) high unemployment;
- Children and youths-at-risk in inner city ghettos in the developed and underdeveloped world;
- Internally displaced people and returnee migrants;
- Survivors of domestic violence;
- Prisoners in youth detention centers;
- Disabled veterans, consigned for life to state rehabilitation facilities;
- Addicts/alcoholics in recovery;
- Elderly people living isolated and alone in huge cities;
- Clergy, teachers, healthcare, legal and social workers.
International Awards and Donors
Paul Hogan was awarded an Ashoka Fellowship in 2003 in recognition for my contribution to child wellbeing in Sri Lanka during the war. The following donors have supported his work through the years at the Butterfly Peace Garden (BPG):
Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund (Germany) – capacity building / site development
Canadian High Commission / Colombo – seed capital for BPG
Canadian International Development Agency – capacity building BPG
Canadian Red Cross – capacity building / transportation BPG
Friends of the Garden / Canada – Monkey Tale /Step-by Step Studios
HIVOS / Netherlands – core program funding at BPG for 14 years
Phoenix Community Trust – Monkey’s Tale Center site development
Royal Netherlands Embassy / Colombo – BPG program funding
War Child / Canada – BPG Village Garden development and programs
World University Services of Canada – transportation